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Spiritual Reality in the New Civilization

Updated: May 1, 2021

A strictly individual and personal undertaking that is not a show and not for show, but rather, an individual and continual journey within

One of the most important realities of the New Consciousness New Energy Civilization that needs to be fully and clearly understood concerns individual religious or spiritual beliefs and practices. The tenets of the Founding Principles, the All 'Beings' Principles and the Constitution for the New Societies of a New Consciousness New Energy Civilization establish the Divine status of the Human Being, and therefore the right of every individual to the greatest freedom - balanced by an equal degree of responsibility - within which to live, experience, thrive, grow and evolve. And everything is done, through the laws of the land to safeguard and evolve this freedom on Earth in the Societies of the New Civilization.

Outside of this established purpose of ascertaining and stating quite clearly the Divine status of the Human Being, there is a complete separation between 'church' and state.

The responsibility of the State authorities is to ensure that all the components that exist in the New Civilization Communities, Societies and the Country, are established, maintained and function to the highest degree of excellence in serving the people who inhabit those communities and that land.

The personal spiritual or religious beliefs and practices of the individuals of the Communities of the New Societies, have nothing to do with the State/lands of the New Societies. They are instead a one-on-one communion between an individual and the Creator. Spiritual beliefs and practice are an inner journey for Enlightenment. They govern how an individual conducts themself and relate to their fellow Humans and all 'Beings', in their day-to-day life. But it is an individual undertaking and has nothing to do with any other person - not your partner, not your neighbour, not your community, not your country, not even your own children the moment they become recognised as attaining adulthood according to the law.

Spiritual or religious belief and practice is not for show; a display you put on to convince others that you are worthy. This is a fruitless exercise, as a true sense of self-worth can never be obtained from an outside source. A true sense of self-worth can be obtained only from going within and connecting with the Divine within, and submitting to Its guidance. Thus, spiritual or religious beliefs are something you practice strictly for yourself in your daily life.

If a person likes pickled vegetables, pork sausages, mashed potatoes and gravy because they regard that as the Creator's gift as food, but the neighbour does not share the same view and instead loves mutton in a spicy stew with couscous because for them that is the Creator's blessing as food, what is to stop the pork sausage eater and the mutton stew eater from enjoying their food in peace and quiet, wherever they choose to eat it?

Everywhere you look today, there is sadly evidence that so much of religious and spiritual beliefs and practice is just for show and just a show, because no sooner do people leave their houses of worship, where they have been praising the Creator for His love and understanding, His compassion and wisdom, asking for forgiveness for their sins and praising the beauty of His Creation and the diversity contained therein, do they then step around the corner and go to work destroying that very same diversity and making a total mockery of everything they have just avowed is good in the house of worship. And so, religious and spiritual beliefs and practice become tools for the display of secular wealth, and the wielding of power and control over others.

In the societies of the New Civilization, the citizens understand that the diversity that exists in Creation is not a horrific mistake that was made by the Creator, resulting in a shocking and horrifying surprise for the Creator, that needs the intervention of Human Beings to put it all to rights. In the New Societies of the New Civilization, the citizens regard it as natural that their spiritual or religious beliefs and practices are a strictly individual and personal undertaking. They understand that their spiritual life is very much an individual and continual journey within, that reveal Divine truths and principles that provide wisdom and conviction, that translate into standards or tenets of integrity in a code of conduct that guides how they behave in their daily life. When spiritual or religious beliefs and practices are understood in this context, there is simply no reason or need to impose your beliefs and practices on another; no need or reason for conflict with another.

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